有话就说,有屁就放。每个人都有自己的故事, 忆笔要欢迎你常来坐坐,大家一起分享生活中的点点滴滴。。


今早听MY fm节目,说到女人‘讲大话’的排名。。(根据调查显示)
第一: Nice to meet you。
女人通常不是真心地说Nice to meet you。 说这句话只是‘礼貌’!认识一个新朋友,开场白一定是Hi, 然后Nice to meet you。嘿!男人也不过是如此吗? 难道女人讲这句话比较不真实吗?男人就比较出自于内心?笑话!

第二: 对不起!我没有‘散钱’。
女人会比较吝啬。难道男生跟女生一起的时候,会跟女生讨‘散钱’吗?不过,在我朋友之中,男生都会觉得女生比较有钱,因为女生比较会‘收钱’(省钱); 而男人比较爱面子吧!

第三: 对不起!刚才没接到你的电话。你找我有事吗?

女人的‘大话’就只是如此吧!那,男人的大话呢?我觉得应该‘不简单’。 哈哈。。我记得 有个朋友告诉过我。。‘男人也不是都爱说大话的,主要是女人常常爱听大话要听大话。被大话害了之后就谁都别怪,聪明的女人下次再谈恋爱别逼着自己的男人讲大话就是了。

女人爱听男人的大话吗?拜托啦。。男人没做错事,就不需要讲大话啦! 8 个脚印


没关系。。我自制了一棵 -->>圣诞树<<-- 。。
让大家许下你们的愿望。。 哈哈。。大家不妨到我的圣诞树去许个愿望。。
愿大家心想事成。。美梦成真! :) 2 个脚印








无论如何,朋友们。。谢谢你们的欢笑带给我的快乐。。。 4 个脚印


实在是不能‘顶’。。午餐和一大班从新加坡回来的同事们一起去八打灵吃烧鸭饭!很棒又香脆的烧鸭饭,很出名的!但我竟然不知道。。哈哈。。 真的很多人。他们说如果是拜六礼拜来打包的话,又是要等四十五分钟!!!有那么夸张吗?是真的。。因为我们也等了好久才有位子坐。吃饱了,也不敢多坐一会儿,太多人在等座位呢!
我们到Pantry去冲咖啡喝。这时,我们的领导也过来join我们。今天早上,大家都在讨论着一个话题。。Project有个问题需要人去解决,而他却找不到人。我的department老板也不想再放人进这个project。没想到他最后竟然是派我去做!听说这个东西不简单。。我听了还真的怕怕。。还说到时要我一个人去KL Wisma Sime Darby做 T.T 我不想一个人工作!如果他们全部过去新加坡Sime Darby,那就留我一个人在KL Sime Darby了。。我不要!!公司。。真的拜托你不要这样对我。。给多一点budget在这个project啦!让大家一个team 整整齐齐,好吗?
我很累了。。还是收拾东西早点回家吧!。。愿大家有个开心的周末!yeah。。 先别想那么多。。哈哈。。 4 个脚印


今天,我跟新加坡的同事工作上的问题。他说他已经变冰块了。。 那边太冷!是的。。在那儿的工作环境,的确是很冷。我之前在那边工作时,我形容我是在server room工作!太冷了。。冷气不能调高或低,centralised air-con。

过后,他说: 我冷到不能讲话了。

我问他: 你没有带jacket吗?

他回答: 带jacket来上班会给人家笑的。。

我: 。。。你情愿变冰块, 冷到半死都不要给人家笑吗? 那。。何苦?

在新加坡,一路上看到的。。都是新车。(对!新加坡的车都不超过五年或十年)。 除了如此,他们的车都是超干净!几乎每辆车都在发亮。。他们一定很照顾车,每天洗车,打蜡。我问在新加坡工作的朋友,他们都异口同声说:‘新加坡人kiasu嘛!’。 我之前在新加坡看过最脏的车竟然是马来西亚J车牌的Proton!paiseh。。。哈哈。。



在新加坡,我会感觉到新加坡的繁荣。。比起马来西亚吉隆坡,差得很远。在那里,除了干净,我还觉得安全。不像在吉隆坡,当我踏出我家的门口就开始怕怕。。打抢,扒手。。每天都有。这也不是说新加坡没有这些, 只是比起来会比马来西亚好吧!就拿的士来讲吧!在吉隆坡乘搭的士,他一定会给张名片,然后叫你下次如果要的士,可以直接打电话给他。他会算便宜点。。有时候,他们还会带你‘游花园’,不知不觉电表已达到你无法想象的。。 而新加坡的的士,是比较有系统的。。几时载顾客, 什么时候?在哪里? 都清楚地记录在电脑里。。而且收据不是用手写的,是用print的!

为何马来西亚发展的那么慢?邻国却可以发展的那么快?政府该好好检讨一下吧?! 2 个脚印


只是。。每天都很想念它,好像不能没有它。。- 咖啡!我已经尽量少喝。。尽量不去想它。日子好苦。。但是,我还得努力把它戒掉。
每天工作回家,根本没想过要做什么。。 只是想休息。想早点睡觉。。但是几乎每晚都出门喝茶。。哈哈。。每晚倒头就睡。。不到两分钟,就可以呼呼大睡。。 日子就这样。。像个复印机每天在操作。。对吗?二十四岁,还应该做些什么? 6 个脚印


记得末年的新年,六姨丈告诉我们当年他是如何认识我的六姨。。哈哈。。原来他们是透过媒人认识的。他说想当年他开车从玻璃市到吉打找我的六姨,开车时速是130-140km/j。但是载了我的六姨出门或回家,开车时速只有60-70km/j。 其实,他只是想珍惜大家在一起的时间。把车的速度放慢,一路聊天。。哈哈。。


两人在一起的日子越久,男人就会开始埋怨。。女人也不会让男人等太久。。 每当约会完毕,男人也不会再像以前那样,开车回家的时速也会比以前快。。


当女人跟一个男人出门约会时,留意下他的开车速度表。。 ;p 0 个脚印

Home Sweet Home ^.^

See the tall christmas tree @Takashimaya? Christmas decoration is up everywhere in Singapore since November.. But Malaysia still having Deeparaya decoration.. sigh sigh...

this pic was taking on last weekend with my best fren~BIN :)

FINALLY.. I'm back to KL.. I'm tired but nice memory flashed in my mind.. I miss the 2 weeks i spent in Singapore too.. Thanks to you guys that bring lot of nice memory to me and thanks for willing to guide and help me when i need it :) Arigato!

This week past sooooo fast.. maybe it is a busy week. Still remember Monday night i met Kisa (Zeliang's Singaporean gf) at Orchard, she brought me to have a japanese food. Then she bought me so-called 'breakfast' for the next day too..so pai seh la..She kept introduce Singapore nice and special food to me when we walked around Takashimaya. That was my 1st time met her..We never see each other before but we did have some chat in MSN before that. well.. she is a nice and talkative gal.Nice to know her.. =) BUT i forgot to take picture with her.sigh sigh..i brought camera with me!but....i'm a blur gal!! =.=

red wine session with group picture

nice beer "Hoegaarden".. I'm loving it :)

Last night,Chin bought Hoegaarden beer after dinner and we had 'gathering' at around 10pm after we packed our thing. First, we started from red wine.. (Don't know why my unit apartment got 1 bottle of red wine..let's share together before back..hehe..) Next, we continued beer + karaoke session at Jenn's apartment until 1am...

My enjoyable but tiring weeks finally ends up here...

yeah.. still got time to celebrate my little sis birthday after back... Happy Birthday Chylin! muuaaakzzzz..

Happy birthday to my dear fren too~Juliano Choong Wei Wen..which fall on the same date with my little sis & Foo Wei Meng (Woo) on 18 November... All the best! :)

0 个脚印

working@Singapore #5

Another first day of a week, as usual dress up to go for work.But this morning i was blur when i wake up. When the time i opened my eyes, i was thinking "hey!Where am i? Why i'm here?".. omg.. i was exhausted last night....

Sorry for not updating my blog recently because i was really busy working even during weekends.
see...! Christmas decoration is up @ Singapore.. everywhere! :)

Sake Sushi, City Hall

Anyway,Thanks to Bin that brought me to City Hall on Friday night. We took some photos there and she treated me Sake Sushi at City Hall..That was nice! I love sushi..*yummy yummy* That night, i overnight at Bin's house since i was alone in the apartment. We watched Korea drama and had gal's talk until 3am :)

Indian was dancing at roadside, City Hall

The next morning (Saturday 11/11/2006), we wake up at 8.30am (don't know why we both wake up so early that morning..haha)..We had breakfast at Queenstown and took bus (double-decker..haha..If not mistaken, that was my first time..hehe..) We went Bugis famous temple.. "Kwan Im thong Cho" and both of us got the good interpretation from "Kwan Im" :)After that we walked somewhere nearby and had lunch there. Actually we planned to go Chinatown but it was raining heavily after 3pm :(

So, we took MRT to Orchard and walked around. Bin followed me back to my Apartment and I borrowed karaoke set from colleague. Bin was enjoying singing and i was enjoying reading magazine :P

At night, i was exhausted since i had been walked for whole day plus rained. I was not feeling well and i took a nap after dinner. 10pm.. started join them working at 18th floor until 3am.. it was tiring.. but i don't know why i could not sleep after back apartment at 3am. I switched on laptop and listened to radio..read novel until Zzz..

The next day,they had breakfast together but i was sleeping.Sorry! I really 'beh tahan'.. i slept until 9.15am and started work again at 10am. (crazy working life~you guys must be think that i'm 'enjoying' here..) lunch time, they went out but i decided to take a good rest in apartment...SUDDENLY my phone ringing when i was sleeping..ShiaoPeng called and asked me joined them lunch at a very nice chinese restaurant..At that time,nothing is nicer than sleeping..BUT again he called.. this time was Chin. I shouldn't reject twice calling for a lunch..So i joined them :P yeah.. really nice chinese food :)

lunch @ Soup Resto

After lunch, as usual, work work work T.T until 12...
p/s: just few pictures here.. hehe.. because all the photos in my camera not transfer to pc yet.. Coming soon... :)
3 个脚印

Clarke Quay@Singapore

MRT station "Clarke Quay" A very nice place recommended by ME :)
Singapore River Cruise, riverside restaurant... nice night scene and 'feel'..haha..
We had our dinner at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant Riverside. We did not order any nice seafood since it is expensive! Anyway, all of the team members were enjoying and we took some pictures there.

0 个脚印

working@Singapore #4

Tiring day…

Today I had done any MM user exits task and it was under testing status now. We had lunch together outside of building of the office. We went to the restaurant that we need to walk around 10 minutes from our office. Shiao Peng pass me a killing SM spec… soooo complicated and I don’t know whether I can finish it in this few days.. (Impossible!! >.< ) After work, we had our dinner together. After we put our stuff at apartment, we took MRT to “Outram” (aiyerr.. tired until I can’t remember the station name T.T ) to have our dinner together. It was so funny when 10 people went for dinner together by taking MRT. AND Kum Seng (old man) joined us for dinner! I feel pity him because he needs to walk with us and we were lost when at the exit of “Outram” MRT station. Haha…
Dinner @ Outram Park
After dinner, Grace and I took our clothes to laundry. It’s been few days we did not wash our clothes. Now, I have to wait for my clothes being ‘wash white white’ too… tired man! It’s late!! Tomorrow have to wake up early and wash my hair! >.< work =")"> 1 个脚印

working@Singapore #3

Today, i wake up at 7am to wash my hair and make up. Before we meet up at taxi station at 8am, i had oat for my breakfast at apartment =)
The office was not under my expectation. Haha.. anyway, just work.. do my task as given..
Tonight, I met Bin and Yan at Takashimaya! yeah.. finally manage to meet them and had dinner together ^.^ We had a long nice chat since we didn't meet each other for quite a long time.. (hello.. zi muis.. remember our last gathering? it's looooong time ago)!!
Tired.. my tired day.. hopefully tomorrow will be another nice day! :)

p/s: Min Phey, hope you recover as soon as possible! take good care.. 2 个脚印

working@Singapore #2

Some of them blame on me.. why I’m not writing my blog in English, because they do not understand Chinese. So, I’m using English to fulfill your satisfaction to read my post but firstly please allow me to shouted “Shame on you!”.. =P being Chinese people but don’t know Chinese at all.. sigh.. must try hard to learn.. at least know some simple words like Lilian Loi.. hehe..
Chinese is important nowadays!

Today.. my 2nd day at Singapore :) Sunday!! Working on Sunday.. damn sien.. feel like wanna go out walk walk.. but have to wake up early in the morning and started work at 9am. However, it was a very casual working day which I dressed my hot-pants with T-shirt, worked at 18th floor apartment.. hehe.. :P

I got another new user exits task today. I have to check the credits limit and pop up a message if the credits are exceeded. I had my lunch at Scotts (if not mistaken).. very nice fried dory fish + rice costs me SGD4.50. *yummy yummy*

I worked until 5.30pm and I had to go since my parents were having dinner somewhere at Orchard. So, immediately I completed my task as I could but everyone was still hard working there. Without thinking twice I went back to my apartment, took shower and ironed my clothes since I need to dress in formal by tomorrow. When I returned to 18th floor, everyone was looking at me since I already changed my dress. Someone told me: “you may go now..”.. haha.. you all are so nice man! I packed my laptop and put up some make up at washroom.

I met my dad in front of Hilton Hotel. Actually I don’t know the way from my apartment to Hilton hotel. Thanks Charlene for showing me the map :) I had my nice dinner with my parent and all the aunts and uncles from KL. Omg.. my mom bought a branded boot at ZARA costs SGD145. Shocked me!!! Since when my mom became so rich women?! (sweat >.< ) she told me that her shoes was broke and she walked around Orchard all branded shops. Finally she found THIS.. I really feel faint when I hear that.. @.@ I got to go back my apartment at 9pm since I was scared to walk alone IF all shops were almost closed at that time. On my way back, I was enjoying the scene at Orchard road (I was like walking at Bintang Walk, KL) very nice, peace and ‘feel’ safe compare to KL. I was feeling like want to shopping at that moment but many shops were getting closed. Sienzz.. Just now, colleagues visited to my apartment. They feel surprised to step into my apartment because my apartment is nicer compare to their apartment. In addition, we got swimming pool view. Hehe.. they said they dare not to swim again since Grace (my housemate) and I can view the swimming pool from our room. Haha.. team leader said my apartment rental fees are much higher compare to their apartment. AND I was wondering the red wine at the kitchen is free for us or belongs to previous occupied people here. Anyway, I feel that I’m really a lucky gal recently.. My lucky stars.. please keep staying close with me all the time…thanks *.* AND I miss you all at M'sia.. take good care all my friends! :)

yaya.. I'm staying at Far East Plaza Service Apartment located at Scotts Rd :) 4 个脚印

在新加坡公干 #1

六点,就已经在Bandar Tasik Selatan的KLIA Transit站准备乘搭今天的第二班火车 J
七点,我就已经到达机场。等候和我同伴的同事Grace一起check in。
八点,我已经在MAS Airline MH601班机上看报纸。等候启程。。
九点,hmm。。终于到新加坡机场。。乘搭的士到Orchard的Far East Plaza Deluxe Service Apartment。
十一点,开始工作!每个人就集中在十八楼,开始个人的工作。其实,我是新的ABAPer,很多东西都不会!我想。。那个Functional Consultant都给我‘渣到’,怎么说呢?因为他问我的东西,我都说不会!(人家是真得不会啦!:P )不过,他还真得很有耐心,慢慢解释给我听。。解释到我完完全全了解后才做。谢你啦!Z。
一点半,(才一点半就要去吃午餐了。。好像刚刚才吃东西L) 我们一伙六个人,步行到比较远的shopping mall里面的food court吃午餐。还不错的板面,新币3.70,很大碗呢!其实,我觉得这里的食物还算便宜 (如果是赚新币)。不像在槟城。。吃一碗面也是差不多这样的价钱,但是分量却少得很。Orchard真的是购物天堂。。每走一步就有店给你shop!东西琳琅满目。。要什么有什么!人潮更不用讲。。到处有看见‘鬼佬’,‘鬼妹’,‘日本妹’。。很多外国人。。很热闹!这里的衣服也很新潮。。每间店买的衣服都很漂亮呢。。真的要‘找天’去走走。。不然我会后悔。。哈哈。。过后,Chin带我们逛逛,顺便带Grace去买张这里的手提电话号码。而我就不需要啦。。一个星期而已。把电话关上就好啦。。免得被乱乱charge电话费 :P
近七点,真得很累了。。我和Grace收拾东西回自己的Apartment冲凉休息。。过后,我们还下去走走,Grace要买点东西。。而我,买了瓶矿泉水,SGD2.90!!很贵!!!我今天的早餐,法式Kaya面包+两粒半熟鸡蛋+coffee才用SGD3.70。>.< 没想到,水竟然卖那么贵!
八点半,我俩就在Apartment休息。看了Fear Factor到九点,就各自回房休息睡觉。明天九点有的集在十八楼Senior的apartment工作。。
第一次, 出外工作。
第一次, 乘搭KLIA Transit。
第一次, 乘搭飞机出国公干。
第一次, 自己去新加坡。
第一次, 周末都要工作。
第一次, 在apartment工作。

如果接下来的这几天我得空的话,我会像今晚一样躺在床上写写日记的。。在吉隆坡的你们,别忘了我哟。。 8 个脚印


这个星期。。懒惰的心情在我心里‘泛滥成周’。每天都不想起身上班。。每天都‘赖床’!这几天更糟糕!明明起身了。。就是不想上班!连我家大姐都忍不住说:[好心你啦!才工作几个月就这样懒惰。。]。其实,如果不是在公司没有东西做,我都不会这样懒惰的。。每天上班,不知道来干嘛。。everyday also self-study & e-learning!很‘显’。。

昨天,我也是一样抱着很‘显’的心情上班。。没想到, 一大清早,老板就站在我桌前拍拍我的LCD screen,问我有没有passport。然后问我能不能去新加坡工作。我真的是被他吓到!他说下个星期就过去,去一个月!我还来不及给他反应,他就问我怎样?还说不用担心。。可以每个星期‘飞’回来KL。我真的哑了几秒钟。。太突然了吧!过后,他也没有多说了。。我想应该是讲讲而已啦!可能没那么快的。。

今天,Consulting Manager进来问问我的老板派谁去?老板指着我对他说;[This gal]。原来明天就要起程!跟另一个名叫Grace Ng的同事一起过去。不过,我只是过去一个星期罢了。。而她需要过去一个月。

回想起昨天的我。。还真的不想上班。。明天的我,就要过去新加坡。 生活,心情。。起伏不定。


0 个脚印


今天我又在公司无所事事。。 心血来潮又去login一个很久没有check的yahoo mail! 这个account几乎被我的一个旧同学spam mail。。几乎每一封都是他寄来的mail,有色情的。。美女的。。好笑的。。除了照片,还有一些需要download来看的video clips。 真麻烦!很讨厌。。很浪费时间。。所以,很抱歉!那些需要download的video clips, 我全部删除了。。 :P

有一篇很好笑的Formula,我看了就一直笑(笑在心里啦!老板就坐在我前面呢。。还是低调一点。。嘿嘿。。)可能大家已经看过了。。不过我还是想和大家分享。。 :P

猪=吃饭+ 睡觉,
代入: 人=猪+上班+玩,

男人=吃饭+ 睡觉+挣钱
猪=吃饭+ 睡觉

女人=吃饭+ 睡觉+花钱。
猪 =吃饭+ 睡觉。


哈哈。。看到这个mail,我又想起几个月前我刚进这间公司的时候。。当时,和我一起新进这间公司的有好几个。。当我们拿到第一份新水时,大家都想为自己添加新的上班衣服(formal wear)。





其实是。。。大家都不想变成猪。。。。 5 个脚印