有话就说,有屁就放。每个人都有自己的故事, 忆笔要欢迎你常来坐坐,大家一起分享生活中的点点滴滴。。


今早,我收到一封同事‘伊妹’给我的一则文章。。 很有意思,想和大家一起分享。。

A student ask a teacher, "what is love?"

The teacher said, "in order to answer your question, go to the padi field and choose the biggest padi and come back. But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick."

The student went to the field, go thru first row, he saw one big padi, but he wonders....may be there is a bigger one later. Then he saw another bigger one... but may be there is a even bigger one waiting for him. Later, when he finished more than half of the padi field, he start to realize that the padi is not as big as the previous one he saw, he know he has missed the biggest one, and he regretted !!!! So, he ended up went back to the teacher with empty hand.

The teacher told him, "...this is love... you keep looking for a better one, but when later you realize, you have already miss the person...."

"What is marriage then?" the student asked.

The teacher said, "in order to answer your question, go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn and come back. But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick."

The student went to the corn field, this time he is careful not to repeat the previous mistake, when he reach the middle of the field, he has picked one medium corn that he feel satisfy, and come back to the teacher.

The teacher told him, "this time you bring back a corn.... you look for onethat is just nice, and you have faith and believe this is the best one you get.... this is marriage …………

1 个脚印:

oatie said...

中学的时候,一位朋友常讽刺我, 说(福建话)'选来选去还不是选到臭龙眼.' :))
