My company, TheKey2Asia represents over 20 clients in the gaming industry.
On behalf of these clients we are looking for advertising opportunities on your site. We are in particular looking for an Asian audience through banner, text, promotional or email advertising.
If you can provide us with advertising space, or drive e-mail campaigns let us know the options and rates, possibly with a brief summary of your traffic and geographic breakdown.
6 个脚印:
我也经常遇到这种问题,又不能退掉,真的有够气人。哎~ 打工就是这样。
慢慢来 不然会气急败坏的~
学♀蘑蘑说的 透气一下~
Hi Blogger,
My company, TheKey2Asia represents over 20 clients in the gaming industry.
On behalf of these clients we are looking for advertising opportunities on your site. We are in particular looking for an Asian audience through banner, text, promotional or email advertising.
If you can provide us with advertising space, or drive e-mail campaigns let us know the options and rates, possibly with a brief summary of your traffic and geographic breakdown.
Feel free to email or call me on +65 6323 4280.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks and regards,
Amarpal Singh
Account manager
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